Operations news to support your business
See what we’re doing to improve our processes and add speed and efficiency to your business.
Online Interview status update - you gave feedback – and we listened!
In 2023 we removed the 5-day expiration to allow customers more time to complete their Velocity Online Interview. Protective Life will send notices to the customer for 15 days to remind them to complete their interview either online or over the phone.
Updated Contact Center hours
Effective July 29, 2024 we are changing the hours of operation for the following teams to Mon – Fri 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT.
Help policyholders keep their information up to date with MyAccount
Maintaining records can get lost in the shuffle of daily business tasks. However, when a policyholder needs to file a life insurance claim, precise and up-to-date contact information is crucial; saving time and helping alleviate stress.