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Estate planning benefits everyone

It’s the word “estate” that probably makes it seem like something reserved for the wealthy. However, an estate plan can protect every family regardless of income and assets. That’s where you can help.
Father holding their small child while reviewing his estate plan that will provide a seamless distribution of assets.
How estate plans work

An estate plan ensures a seamless distribution of assets in the event of your client’s incapacitation or death. It’s an opportunity to provide needed protection for loved ones by minimizing stress and confusion, reducing or avoiding taxes and much more.


You can download our brochure and presentation to use when talking to clients about estate planning.

Building an effective estate plan strategy

Here are some of the essential components available to help protect your client's legacy and their loved ones.
Last will & testament
Reduce the emotional burden on beneficiaries with clear instructions regarding assets.
Piggy bank icon
Plan for the future by holding assets for a beneficiary or beneficiaries.
Durable power of attorney
Designate someone to make decisions on your client’s behalf in the event of an emergency.
Living will
Provide clarity for loved ones with instructions about end-of-life medical care.
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Letter of instruction
Help heirs understand a client’s choices about funeral services, medical care and more.
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Life insurance
Protect heirs with funds for paying debts, replacing a lost income and more. 
Life insurance is essential to estate planning
Life insurance relieves the financial stress on beneficiaries. It helps your client’s family meet their day-to-day needs with replacement income, immediate access to cash, tax advantages and more.
Mother smiling at daughter knowing life insurance will one day help relieve financial stress for her beneficiaries.

Ready to take a deeper dive into developing estate plans for your clients?

We have a number of topic-specific resources to help you get started and review strategies with your clients.
Cover of efficient wealth transfer with life insurance brochure.
How life insurance can help pay debts and efficiently transfer funds to beneficiaries
 Getting organized in case of death checklist.
Share this checklist to help clients get started
 Estate planning ideal client profile flyer.
A detailed look at who this strategy can help and how it works
State Estate & Inheritance Taxes Brochure
Help clients understand how state-specific estate taxes affect beneficiaries
Irrevocable life insurance trust flyer
Learn about the significant tax advantages this trust option provides
 Enhancing Your Legacy with a Dynasty Trust
How to protect great wealth while staying compliant
Cover of Spousal Limited Access Trust
A flexible alternative to the irrevocable life insurance trust for younger clients
 Private Annuities in Estate Planning
Protect assets (including businesses) by passing them to the next generation

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We’re here for you

We’re ready to help you deliver the protection and security your clients deserve. Reach out to us anytime for questions and support, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.